Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Leaky Spigot

This morning I put on my pearl earrings and was about to put on my matching pearl necklace when I remembered that it was broken. I broke it about two weeks ago during a wardrobe change. Need to find some place to get it restrung. Maybe I will ask my cousin's mother-in-law where she had hers done. Bummer.

Shamefully admitting that I read you know who's blog today. I still read it because it is usually good. In fact, it was his writing, the essence of him in his writing that made me read long enough to leave that fateful comment on his blog last December. His words wrapped around my mind like a ribbon of a heady drug before I could get a handle on it. Still don't have a handle on it apparently. He's getting all Woody Allen film on me the last couple of days. Poor thing.

When he was still known as Yummy, I would have sent him a note saying Kisses on your (fill in blank for ailment or other mysterious ouchies). Laughing out loud. It is kind of sickening, but you say the funkiest crap when it is just you and whomever...I miss the fucking idiot. Wait! No, that's not correct. I am the fucking idiot for missing him. Let's get that straight. ARGH!

Sometimes it just hits me like a drops from a leaky spigot. That's what happens when you are too giving of yourself. It takes a bit to extricate yourself from the crucible of emotions. It is not like I can NOT be myself, but most times I am just too giving. I never learn. Maybe I never want to. I really don't want to live giving less than myself, you know? I just need to honor my feelings as they arise for now as opposed to pretending they don't exist.

Speaking of being too giving, actually doing something for the temp tomorrow. It is not on the high scale of things, but it is still thoughtful and will be pretty to receive. You can't ignore birthdays. I don't want her feelings hurt and she will be surprised to receive something on a Thursday instead of the expected Friday. I teased Bridget that I didn't want her to miss out on the joy before her own vacation which starts Friday.

Oh my gosh -- Bridget! She was on the phone negotiating with her ex-husband. He is driving their son to Tennessee for a week's vacation while she is on her separate vacation in New York. Concerned about her son's safety, I heard her asking her ex-husband You're not going to drive like a retard, are you? How ironic that we were just discussing Bridget's personalized edition of Winning Friends and Influencing People.

Became very busy today and was everyone's Go-to Girl. It only means I've been there long enough to know things. These are the kind of info I will not be able to use if I ever decide to enter as a Jeopardy! contestant.

Drove home in a monsoon and thought about how Cabal will love walking in the rain. I was right. Ate a quick dinner that had jasmine rice. I noticed my eyes were starting to get round again. Watched Last Comic Standing for some laughs and the Dateline Special on recovering stolen iPods before heading for a reasonable bedtime. Not sure if I will wake up the same time or earlier. I'll let you know.

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