Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pesky Vendor

There is no rest for the wicked, er...AGOL. My interim boss had my undivided attention before I had my tea and coffee. Yes, I am a two-fisted drinker. I think he likes the fact I am effervescent and smiley with a can do attitude which was partially forced this morning from lack of valuable morning liquids.

May the purchasing gods save me from pesky vendors! The cute bastard from yesterday has now been demoted to just plain bastard. Little does he know that pushing me does not work, quite the opposite effect. He should have recognized by my overly polite tone that I was not happy and calling me right before lunch, too! It is all about attitude and delivery.

Yeah, he delivered again all right, an e-mail around 3-ish to me and everyone trying to get status. I am sure he liked my reply. Hee. I also called him at 5pm, as promised from earlier phone call, to apprise him of the situation. Why be a pain to your potential client when you're waiting for the ink to be on the contract? I really hate it when vendors behave stupidly as they are salivating for your business. I don't care if they are considered the hotshot of their company. Just makes them ugly to me...

Lunch was fun with the gals. It only got weird at the end when my temp decided that she needed to research getting a Facebook account after three of us discussed having an account. Sigh.

Spent the afternoon yawning. I fell asleep early last night but became wide awake around 2:30am and then forced myself to fall asleep again. It was not restful. Sleep deprivation caught up with me. All the extra coffee I drank in the afternoon just made me do the fast Asian walk down the long hallway several times.

Here's pics of our famous Florida Liquid Sunshine as Tawny and I made it out of building. Very wet and very sunny at the same time.

Gave Tawny a ride home again. I was a zombie on the way. Normally, I am more engaging in a conversation. Tawny doesn't need me to amuse her and I was happy listening while she talked.

The maid had the night off again because she was zombie. She watched The Idiot Box instead and now she is updating her blog before meeting Mr. Sandman for an early date. Let's hope he keeps her out all night. Wink.

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