Friday, August 24, 2007

Spaghetti and Gentle Rain. Perfect.

Surprisingly found myself zooming to work at 70mph with traffic until we all hit downtown Trampa. It wasn't too bad there either. Got to work early enough to accompany Bridget downstairs to buy some breakfast or starter fuel.

Was looking forward to having lunch with Tawny, but she had plans to visit her doctor to clear up some prescription issue. IM'ed Lisa to see if she had plans and ended up driving us to Macaroni Grill for some tasty spaghetti with meat sauce. There is nothing like satisfying a craving you've been having for days. It hit the spot just right.

Lisa needed to share some of her life-changing plans she is set to implement after the first of the year so it all worked out. Our waiter, Christian, provided nice eye candy while we dined, but we both felt our ages drooling over this much younger cutie. Sad.

Received an e-mail reminder from my dad in Chicago to me and my-sisters-who-I-don't-talk-to letting us know that my stepmother's upcoming birthday in September will be her 65th. Now the pressure is on to get a very thoughtful gift. I am usually great at thoughtful gifts...but...I am drawing a blank with my stepmother. Some crystal with engraving? Funny "hot senior mama" shirts with a Floridian flavor? Jewelry? That will stump me all weekend.

The pleasure of leaving work later than everyone is that you get to miss the torrential downpours and the effects on traffic. Drove home in light rain. I love the rain. Gentle drops blending with one another in a hypnotic pattern on my windshield during stops. Electric spiderwebs strobed their way across the dark gray sky along the way home. It was very calming and strangely comforting.

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