Startled this morning by the lunar eclipse when I walked my dog. It evoked such a visceral response akin to the first time I saw this moon scene from Time Machine.
Before midnight the moon was in its glory and this morning after 5am it was just a bright smile line with a red shadow cast against the rest of its face. Once I remembered it was the eclipse, I stared at the rare occurrence in wonder. Will the heavens ever give up its full secrets to us mere humans? Are we worthy of its vastness? We are all made of the same stuff as stars. Maybe in the next millennium...
Felt really aged today as I readied for work, but when I looked in the mirror to check, all I saw was a very young looking 36-year old having good face and hair day. Must be my state of mind. It just turned 114.
Roped by my interim boss first thing to take his place in a conference call. Thank God it wasn't as painful as anticipated...The one thing that wasn't anticipated was an IT manager coming to me whining about something he should have been able to solve. I gave him three different viable solutions right off the top of my head. Not one, not two, but three! Manager-0, Lowly Emp-3Am I being too flat? Where is that famous AGOL fizz? Everyone (strangers included) were mysteriously being extra nice to me today. I tried to flash my Chiclets a lot especially to the president of my North American division. Still trying to get that Smile Ambassador gig he doesn't know I have created for myself. So far I have him making a point to say hello to me while everyone else is asking Who's that guy? I think he gets a kick out of me saying I am groovy. Maybe I need to step up my teeth whitening regimen which could take me to the next level of making my mouth a natural light source. Something to ponder certainly.

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