Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Beauty in Your Soul

The sun rises high on the horizon. It's golden rays mirrored on the ocean waves. You can feel the warmth to come and permeate your human veil.

With your eyes closed, you inhale life to strengthen your life force. Your heart has no choice but to keep universal time. Can you feel the hum of your blood winding through capillaries and veins around your body? Each path warmed by the pressure of its journey.

Errant child thoughts pass through your consciousness. You honor all, pleasant and unpleasant, so they can fly away from your mind to make room for the real thoughts that need your attention. Breathe deeply. Exhale slowly and breathe in again.

As the junk mail in your mind is emptied, all that is left is your Essence which you claimed from your Source before your earthly time. The treasure you have been given is the Beauty in Your Soul. It is meant to be shared in big and small deeds...thoughts...wishes...hopes...and dreams. That beauty has a name. It is simply called Love.

The sea is lifted by the wind to make the waves roll and splash noisily on the shore. You open your eyes. The sun's bright light makes the sea foam sparkle like diamonds spilling into the sand. You begin to remember, you remember the warmth of Love.

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