Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Nose to the Grindstone

Another day of working my nose to the grindstone. If you know me, you know that I have a small pert nose. I could very well turn into an AGOL rendition of the Sphinx by week's end. Maybe I should have saved some shekels for a nose job to get a nice Roman-like nose, more feminine of course to avoid such a hazard.

Had one vendor today who was obviously putting the screws to my group to sign a contract for the equipment being installed in multiple locations across the country. The cute bastard was e-mailing everyone one in my department and then some on the guise of "I don't want you to take the chance of losing the equipment that is earmarked for you". Yeah, whatever. There is only so much I can push on the legal department and my interim boss doesn't come back to the office until tomorrow. Still, the cute bastard managed to find his way to my desk thanks to someone in HR who is wanting one of his equipment and is getting a separate contract. She dropped him off at my desk to take care of so she could go back to her little world. Grrr.

The day was a Goldilocks kind of day, not too fast and not too slow. I found myself getting up more often to walk to Tawny's side of the floor, but she had her office door closed for conference calls. She needs to get her priorities straight: best friend vs conference calls. Ha!

My fridge and freezer are empty of foodstuffs I could use to make quick dinner. Would have had German hotdogs, but you know what happened to the buns on Saturday afternoon thanks to the Pretty Boy Dog.

Gave Myrna a call to help out. She picked me up for dinner and we had a rousing time catching up. Her toy puppies are turning out to capture much of her attention and time with their training. She and her husband are having the carpeting pulled up in their home and have wood laminate floors installed which would make it easier not to mention they would hear the puppies. These dogs with their dark coloring are so small that sometimes they blend in with the navy carpet and get stepped on. Eek! Her husband says I didn't know we bought parrots, because the puppies seem to hang out on each of Myrna's shoulders when she is sleeping or sitting on the sofa.

She dropped me off almost three hours later to PBD who wanted to get his playtime in. I fell asleep soon after thanks to the food coma from dinner. No chores tonight. This Filipina maid had the night off.

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