Friday, August 10, 2007

The Conga and a Reassessment

Blessed Friday, how I've longed for you...Maybe not that much, but I do welcome you. I was not sure how much work I would get finished today because a portion of my area is packing their belongings to move to the other corporate tower about a quarter mile down the road. All that erratic energy was not conducive to a happy workflow.

Lunchtime found us doing the conga (not literally) down to the cafe to get lunch and bring it back up to our breakroom. It was Tawny, Lisa and me starting the line. How much more fun would it had been had we actually danced the conga. We may have to find out later. I am curious enough to find out.

While I processed the strangest orders for equipment and mystery vendors, the back of my mind was going through a reassessment. I realized that Christmas is only four months away. Where has the time gone?

I am not giving the HOE (Handmade Ornament Exchange) party this year in November. I've already thrown away my six-foot artificial tree to possibly make room for a new one. I'll just have one Christmas gathering this year instead of two last year, if that. My heart is just not in it at the moment.

If we were to take today, August 10th and go back to the same date in 2006 what would our answers be to the following questions?

    ...What were you doing a year ago?
    ...What was your mental state?
    ...What goals did you have for yourself?
    ...What have you done in the last year?
    ...Was it life giving and life enhancing?
    ...Did you contribute to the world or someone's world?
    ...If yes, how did you do it?
    ...If no, how can you create the conditions to make it happen?
    ...Did your goals stay the same during the year?

If I were to take the same day of the 10th and remember back to December 10th, I would say that a single step that evening (in retrospect) changed my life. God's loving touch on my life that day cannot be stopped and is infinite. It has been life giving and life enhancing. It is a spiralling effect...Do I continue to climb up the spiral or slide down it after encountering a recent misstep? God's loving touch is a living force that moves through you and you are the instrument by which it lives. My answer is breathe and climb..and breathe again.

The drive home took an extra 30-minutes thanks to the traffic to get into the football stadium. The Tampa Bay Bucanneers were playing their first pre-season game. Tawny was with me as I gave her another ride home. We took an alternate route which is usually faster, but not this evening. We resigned ourselves to it.

Spent the rest of the evening trying to regain some peace from the day. Looking forward to tomorrow morning with Kimmee and Kristey.

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