Sunday, July 22, 2007

Kids' Outing with Auntie Sarah

Up early to webcam with Yummy. Got to watch him eat cheese on toast and scratch from his skin allergies. Good thing I wasn't eating breakfast.

Scurried like a bunny to get ready so I could pick my goddaughter, her twin and their older brother. It was great to see them and have an outing with them. We enjoyed the new Harry Potter movie and had a great chat about it on my way to my aunt's.

Found out when I called my aunt to make sure she was home that Baby Colton and his family were visiting! This was great news to the girlies who have been asking about the baby. We arrived just in time for a late lunch.

Here is my aunt's newly trimmed banana tree. It even bears fruit!

Pop-Pop enjoying Baby Colton.

Carter suddenly enjoying the outdoors. He cracks me up!

The twins enjoying time with the baby and Grandma.

Took the kids to a bookstore for the new Harry Potter book and some other items they wanted. Will wanted a heavy metal CD but I wasn't sure if his parents would allow it. Later I found out that I could have bought AC/DC for him, but he received a heavy metal magazine instead. He had to walk out of there with something.

After taking the kids home, I almost made it to my own when I encountered the rain I have managed to avoid all day. I even made the kids bring an umbrella! Looking on the bright side, I didn't have to drive on the highway with kids in the rain.

Got home and took care of Cabal. Went online later to wind down and found a queer e-mail from Yummy. What was that all about? One queer e-mail deserves another...


badgerdaddy said...

A copy of Back In Black is the finest gift you could bestow on a boy. Trust me on this. And while it might sound like a real racket, I firmly believe it is a truly great blues album.

Maybe I'm biased, I don't know.

helloagol said...

Hey B-Daddio!

That settles it then. I will get Will a copy of Back in Black.

He's just into a lot of rock guitar lately and I decided if he was going to cut his teeth on anything, it would be AC/DC.

Did I mention his family is raising him to be a really good Christian?

Unknown said...

Is there such a thing as a "really good Christian?"