Monday, July 30, 2007

Suckage Factor

...What was I saying? Oh, yeah. The suckage factor for the weekend wasn't as high as anticipated. There were moments of touch and go, but made it through by talking it out to the universe. (That sounds better than me saying, I was talking to myself.)

Have a slight crying hangover, but I didn't cry last night or this morning to have one. Let's see what caffeine does to it. Gonna jack my energy level with some java.

First morning without my boss, too. He has the day off and tomorrow will be his first day at his new job. Very pleased for him. Meanwhile, my interim boss is wonderful and is in the middle of interviewing a replacement. Bridget and I were saying this morning that the new hire will think his team looks like Charlie's Angels. Gosh, I hope his name is not Charlie...Well, I have an errand to run before lunch.

Updated: Received permission from Kristey to post this pic from her note to me taken at this tiki bar they like near their home. Been there before the remodeling for my cousin Frank and Brenda's wedding years ago. It's been more privatized now.

Here's a pic of the fabulous Kristey and her groovy husband Danny.

Kristey said that she loves going there to watch the sunset, listen to the music and of course - drink! Sounds marvy to me.

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