Saturday, July 28, 2007

Retail Therapy and a Swim

Visited my friend Terry's shop this afternoon for a chat and picked up an item that had been waiting for me. Continued my retail therapy by buying a new table runner for my dresser which matches the Mediterranean jewel tone patch fabric on my bed and a new beige gold tablecloth for a side table in my dining area. Also picked up some needed sundry items that were not as exciting. Arrived back home to put away my purchases and take care of Cabal before packing my swim stuff.

Here's a pic of the runner on top of my dresser before I change out the old bamboo one underneath it and rearrange my stuff on top of it. Love those rich jewel tones! Cool, huh, Tawny?

Been a while since I spent quality time with Tawny and Jeff. They are spending part-time at British Jeff's house until it sells. I was invited for a casual dinner and a swim which I enjoyed immensely. Jeff was trying to convince us girls that the water was warm and it wasn't even after submerging ourselves up to our necks. Tawny and I swam around to keep warm while we talked about the world.

Just before hitting prune stage, we got out and were sobered by the arctic blast of air conditioning inside the house. Warmed up in the shower before meeting them in the living room for a movie The Italian Job which I hadn't seen yet. It was much better than I thought.

Safely made it home near 1am. Driving home reminded me why I rarely drive that late. A few of the other drivers were aggressive and my eyes were tired. It was worth it for the swim and happy company alone. Gotta love that water!

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