Saturday, July 21, 2007

Damn, It's Stormy

The Saturday Four was a 2.5 mile hustle with Kimmee. Everyone else flaked out or had some other thing to do. I just wanted to finish in time to go home, shower and make it to my hair appointment.

First the first time ever, my hairdresser was late. I mean not just running late with clients but not inside the salon. She'd been having some remodeling work done in her house and hasn't been able to sleep with all the chaos. A pill solved that, but made her sleep through her alarm. Thank goddess she still did a good job with the color and cut.

Been putting off going to the grocery store. Cabal was running out food and treats so I had to go for him. Over an hour later and a full cart from meandering around the grocery store in the same plaza as my hairdresser, we both had food. Went outside and saw the telltale clouds.

Rushed home like a mutha to beat the storm and to put away the frozen stuff. The grocery store I just spent some shekels in is a quite a ways from my apartment. Did beat the storm and took Cabal out before all hell broke loose. It wasn't a 30-minute storm, but a few hours of storm complete with loud cracking lightning. Quite the show.

IM'ed briefly with Yummy who almost didn't make it to the date. He fell asleep watching boxing. I would! Let him off the hook early so he could catch up on his beauty sleep. Funny man. Maybe I need some, too!

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