Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Not Exactly Sure

Tried to not to borrow trouble by thinking negative. Not sure it worked, but I made it through the day even though our department meeting worked my nerve. The lines are blurred between our division and our North American division. There's a story that I am not quite savvy on either so won't go into it.

Worked much later to get 80 line items changed on a document which was joyful I am sure, but I just couldn't find the joy. Called my Chinese takeout joint while driving on the way home and picked up a variety of small orders off the menu. Dinner tonight was covered and lunches for the next couple days, too, until I can go to the grocery store this weekend.

Fell asleep from Chinese food coma until my cousin Angie called on her way home from work. She hasn't been having a good time of it either at work thanks to an IT project. Going to sleep relatively early (for me). Hope tomorrow is more reassuring. I am in desperate need of humor.

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