Friday, July 13, 2007

Ice Cream Social

One of the first things that greeted me was the announcement of our CEO's resignation which was short and to the point. My thinking is that it was not an option for him and more of a saving of face. We had another announcement earlier in the week of a high-level executive leaving, but she was staying on until her replacement was trained. Of course, a new unflattering article in Forbes magazine about his questionable activities from a previous company made the decision moot, I guess. No wonder he said nothing to me as he skulked down the stairs yesterday.

Despite the corporate announcement, my department had a great time talking in the morning. We were genuinely filled with mirth. I came to the conclusion that I could really be friends with my boss and Bridget. It gave me warm fuzzies inside. I regaled them with descriptions of the ghoulish anticipation and greed people in our building exhibit when there is an ice cream social because we were having one this afternoon. People act like freakos when there is something given away for free. Why is that?

Every year our building throws a catered ice cream social in the summer and a catered lunch at Christmas as a thank you to all the tenants . All the tenants get to rub elbows among each other. What is amazing is that we have three main elevators for six floors and they all have a five minute wait and are jam-packed with people during this time. The employees mill around and queue up like ants for the goodie buffet. Bridget and I contemplated repelling with rope from the inner balcony down to the goodies a la Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible.

After eating our serving of vanilla ice cream topped with whipped cream, chocolate and sprinkles (nonpareils) plus mini squares of brownies and cookies, we all suffered an afternoon slump from the initial sugar high. Talk about food coma!

Thought about Yummy and worried about him and his recent migraines. Mentioned as much to Tawny and Bridget even though he reassured me he was feeling better today. I don't think men, in general, get how we women worry, but they do seem to care when we don't. No chance of that here; too much of a worry wart. Sigh.

Researched invoices in the afternoon and brainstormed for Project AGOL when it struck me. I continued the brainstorming in the evening by storyboarding videos I will be producing with my new webcam, digital camera, toothpicks, school glue and glitter. Working with a shoestring budget of no film crew, no set and no proper filming equipment. Filipino ingenuity dictates that we can build the Empire State Building out of toothpicks so this should be cake. I enjoy a challenge.

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