Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sacred Sunday...evening post

Haven't been motivated to do chores since November of last year. Wait --- that sounded bad. What I meant was that portions of my apartment are relegated to certain days to make clean-up easier, but I haven't been as diligent with the Q-tip test since November. Today I seemed to tackle most of the chores (sans Q-tip test). Felt a peculiar joy in eradicating dust.

Almost missed getting my nails done...almost. Something must have been in the air at the salon. My nail guy was quiet and they were speaking in more frequent bursts of Vietnamese. Just as well, he can be quite inquisitive. Nails gleaming a new French manicure made me feel great then I remembered that this Cinderella was in the middle of cleaning.

Did I mention I am obsessed with separating laundry that I end up with four loads to do? Thank God for the water level regulator on the washing machine because my laundry falls into a light load for delicates, medium loads for light and darks and a heavy load for towels and such. If really obsessive, I separate just the socks for bleaching which would make that load number five. Yes, the freakshow is in full effect.

Still had to iron my new tablecloth when it came out the dryer before I placed it on the sidetable. It reminded me of the times in the Philippines we would wash our clothes and bedclothes by hand. I grew up thinking that ironing our sheets and pillowcases from drying on the outside line as normal. Too bad we didn't have a modern washer/dryer and fabric softener. Denim trousers could stand up by themselves if positioned correctly and give you a nice exfoliation when you put them on as a bonus.

Marinated some pork chops with olive oil, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and salt/pepper before baking. Served with freshly cooked jasmine rice and a side of steamed spinach. Mmm. My home was smelling like a proper home. Too bad I didn't have any eggs, I would've made a cake for a home baked smell later. Doesn't matter. I have enough air freshener plug-ins smelling like vanilla and pumpkin.

Watched Fox Channel for The Simpsons, The Family Guy, etc. Felt like being entertained with demented humor. Must be all the fumes from the cleaning products. It worked like a charm.

Speaking of demented, check this out: Filipino Inmates Dancing to Thriller.

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