Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dropping Like Flies

Everything seemed as it should be this morning. Received a few reassurances to such from the universe through little things. So why is it I am topsy-turvy after my boss informs our department of his resignation and giving of two week's notice this morning?

He just became my boss officially on January 1st. No one can blame him with all the changes going on in our company. He has a family of four to think of beyond us. When he told us his news, I felt like as if he had announced that he decided to start drinking flavored coffee. The other two were stunned, but I was cool as a cucumber outside, but felt a distant rumbling of Kiluea inside. I said my congratulations and well wishes and made him feel really good about his decision. He's a good man and he's been great to us.

The news spread like wildfire. Had to explain who would be our interim manager after my boss leaves. The secretary to the former CEO who resigned on Friday caught me in the ladies lounge and mentioned that she heard my boss was leaving. I replied that I at least had proper notice whereas she didn't. We talked about the North American Executive taking over his duties for the time being and hoped he would hire someone with his same friendly disposition compared to the late CEO's vapidness.

As the day wore on, I became worn, too. Why can't I be one of those lucky people whose lives never change? They have constancy in their job which engenders a feeling of security. On the other hand, it bids the question What the heck are THEY doing wrong that nothing changes? With me, every six months at work something changes. It has been that way for several years now. Sometimes the whole thing gets old. I would love for this part of my life to be more stable while I am busy working on fun personal projects...

Finally mailed Angie's digital camera back to her in Los Angeles during my lunch and paid a small fortune in postage. She was generous enough to let me borrow it for my UK trip and now she needs it this weekend. I have my own camera now and not have to use hers. Thanks, Angelita!

Posting this early so I can hibernate this evening or pretend to be one of those Victorian women who suffers from the vapors easily and rests on the sofa. I know it is a stretch. I can see outside that I have a storm to drive through to get home.

There is something to look forward to tomorrow. I received my special group invitation to get pictures taken for our new badges. The HR lady had the grace to give us ladies a day notice. Good thing because my hair is too long to do the no-coif look so tomorrow hairspray is my best friend again. That's something good, right? Ugh. Plain delusional or just pathetic?

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