Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday Twang

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Mark Twain

Wondering if Mark Twain would still feel the same if he had to sift through the 21st Century BS. I have a great feeling that none of it would phase him. It would make him that much more determined to throw off the bowlines. After all, he was born in the Show Me* State, Missouri, where they don't believe it unless they see it.

On an odd note, Twain had a link to the Philippines in which he wrote Incident in the Philippines. His words were a part of his group's campaign in the opposition of the U.S. annexation of the Philippines. How's that for six-degrees to history?

Meanwhile, Yummy received another funny video e-mail from me. Instead of an alien, he received a cheery theme that starts out with me sporting a demented British accent. Poor bloke probably cringed as I cringe when he says things with an American accent. I don't mind showing my goofy side -- actually, I thought it was a rather cute clip. He needs an example of what not to do when you get a new webcam. Ha!

Updated with original video sent to Yummy thanks to new blogger gizmo. I should be embarrassed to post this, but I don't mind because it was real and there is beauty in truth:

Truth be told, my proficiency in creating the content and working with the technology are holding promises and possibilities for Project AGOL. I must set a deadline for myself to get those mini vids recorded and up on youtube rather sooner than later...

Worked steadily throughout the day and the mood at work was much improved as well. Maybe it was my mood now that I think about it.

Tawny couldn't stay away from e-mailing work peeps via her crackberry phone while they drove down the Southern States. She and her husband should be home late tonight. I believe she mentioned that by the time they get home from two weeks of vacation on the road, they will have driven through 18 States and racked up 8,400 miles. How many oil changes did that include?

Talked to Kristey on the way home. For some reason trying to write her during work hours is challenging. I was glad I caught up with her. She might meet us gals for walking on Saturday morning, but no promises. Keeping my fingers crossed. That would make four of us braving the heat and humidity.

Brought my lunch today and didn't eat all of it so I found myself craving some Southern fried chicken for dinner. The same fried chicken I denied myself on the 4th of July. I caved in and was satisfied. Will have to drink a vat full of water to counteract the sodium. Uh, make that two vats for the other serving I will be having for lunch tomorrow. Good lawd.

*Show Me slogan wasn't coined and popularized until the last 13 years of Mark Twain's life.

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