Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Smiley Tuesday

Smiles. I couldn't help but smile today (a complete switch from yesterday) and there was no specific reason...not even for showing off my recently whitened teeth. It became infectious...

Quizzed Lisa at lunch on how much stuff we were moving from her current home to her new home on Saturday. Tawny, Jeff, one of Tawny's sons and me are helping out. You may recall I mentioned that she is leaving her husband. She itemized her things and I was stunned. It was about 1/3 of the stuff I have. Holy cow! She has two kids to move, too! Either she is economizing or I am a pack rat. I'll just keep pretending I am divorced to justify all my furniture and stuff. Hee.

Made sure Bridget was set for her time off Friday and a few days next week. She has a bone spur pinching a nerve on her right foot; her outpatient surgery is Friday. We decided we would set her up with an all-in-one printer so she can process orders while she is at home. All good.

My Inbox showed a meeting request for my third interview tomorrow at 5pm with a director. I am a little nervous. I am to call him in Atlanta. Wish me luck please!!

Spoke to Kristey on the way home and she concurred that 12/25 will be just another day. Still had a good laugh though. An hour later, Kathy picked me up for curry at The Taj. We needed a break from our Vietnamese kick. The chef was a little heavy handed for the level of spice so we asked for raita (a yogurt mix) which made the heat a little more palatable. Hot-cha-cha.

Cutting this shorter which you may appreciate, but -- really -- I need to sleep now so that I may get up early. Big day tomorrow.

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