Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bobas for Everyone

Spent a couple of hours at the salon this morning getting my whole head recolored. It had gotten lighter thanks to my previously blond highlights. Michelle says it takes a couple of times for the color deposit to stick to bleached hair. It is back to the correct color.

While waiting for the color to process, I was telling Michelle about Tawny moving by me and where she had been living the past couple of months, British Jeff's house. I explained some more before she stopped me and asked about British Jeff. I explained he was back in Liverpool with his two boys. We are about 90% sure that she was his hairdresser, too! I have a message to him with a link from my blog post that has her picture. The world is indeed a small place.

Picked up boba smoothies for Michelle, Tawny and Jeff, Kathy and me after my hair was done. The rest of the gang was waiting for me at British Jeff's house who were near the end of the yard sale they were having. Tawny's husband Jeff was the only one who didn't get any boba or other floaty bits. He was missing out on the best part!!

Click on the pic for an enlightening explanation of boba. This place is similar to the one I frequent.

Kathy drove all of us to Chili's around the corner for a very late lunch. It was nice to be around some of my long-time friends -- one of the best feelings in the world. I am truly blessed to have them in my life.

Took Cabal for a walk when I arrived back home and then took myself to bed for a nap. Cabal woke me up for his dinner. While he fed, I caught up on e-mails responding to another high school friend who now lives in Seattle. She's one of those you treasure, too. Quiet relaxation the rest of the evening. It was marvy.

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