Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Another day of turkey fixins' loomed ahead of me this morning. I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, catching mainly the very beginning and the end with Santa while I puttered around the apartment and got ready for the day. Even had a late breakfast of rice & gravy and lumpia from last night which hit the spot.

Drove to Kathy and Jamie's house to check on their cats Cesar and Rio and to bring in their mail. The cats were good and loved the treats I laid out for them. Rio is the lovergirl who allowed me to pet her after she kept wrapping herself around my legs. Texted Kathy that her kitties were okay and wished her Happy Tofurkey before calling Tawny to see if she need anything else before I came over for dinner with her family.

A very warm, inviting home greeted me when I walked into Tawny and Jeff's place. The kitchen was dinner in progress while her dining room was decorated in fall theme and had some good snackies. Jeff and his two boys were watching the Packers game on T&J's new 42" flat panel high definition widescreen. Their team won which I was told separately by Tawny and her mother-in-law was a good thing right before dinner. Apparently, the men's tempers carried to the dinner table if their team lost. We were very lucky today.

To earn my keep so to speak, I set the table and helped Tawny get most everything together after everyone else arrived. We sat 11 people at the table. We laughed and chowed down on a great dinner that everyone contributed to today. Soon the food coma was starting to set in. I decided to make myself useful by loading up the dishwasher and washing other stuff by hand. We needed to buy some time before sampling a plethora of pies and a berry trifle.

If things couldn't make you burst enough, we celebrated Tawny's sister's birthday with a small cake which her brother-in-law covered with the 40 candles his wife needed. He clustered about a set of 15 together at different sections. When he lit it, it looked like a torch and the candles had stuck together after his wife blew them out. It was quite the scene; needless to say, we sang Happy Birthday very quickly.

I had a wonderful time with Tawny and her family. They really made me feel welcome and part of the family. Tawny's mother-in-law invited me for the next holiday get together and to Tawny's surprise, she also invited me to tag/put my name on anything in her house so that in case she dies, my stuff is marked. I laughed so hard. Tawny already told her about the Thai-style buddha statue I've been admiring in her living room.

It was about 7-ish when I decided I'd better go home with another set of take-home goodies. Cabal needed to go out and be fed. I ate way too much and am paying for it now. That is why this post is earlier than normal. I have to quickly make my calls to other friends and family before I crash on the couch. Thank God I am off tomorrow; I will need it to recover.

Five Things I am Thankful for Today:
  1. I am thankful for my loving family and friends who support me in whatever I decide.
  2. I am thankful I have a job that allows me to live.
  3. I am thankful for my Pretty Boy Dog who loves me and doesn't care if I have a bad hair day. To him, I am the perfect belly scratcher, playmate and treat giver.
  4. I am thankful for the divine force that guides me even when I argue with its methods.
  5. I am thankful for the blessings I have and yet to receive.

I hope that if you celebrated Thanksgiving, you gobbled 'til you wobbled with your loved ones. If you didn't, I hope you still had a Happy Thursday and are thankful for the blessings in your life.


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