Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Homework Assignment

Humbugging aside, I have been feeling better in the last few days about things. A confidence regained, if you will. I had an impromptu interview this morning with the hiring manager which benefited from this new wave of AGOL magic. It was her last day in town; she was my audience during my demo on Monday.

I was a little nervous while I listened to her explain that she wants a candidate to have 2 out of 3 major things. The third being something she would train someone to do. We spoke at length; there was no tension on my part even when she emphasized how this was a senior position. I explained my situation at work and how it had been chaotic in the last year and a half with changing personnel and responsibilities as well as my concerns about her requirements. The e-mail I sent last night was my first show of interest in the position.

For some strange reason, I had not submitted my resume prior to this even though I blogged about the intention 2-3 weeks ago. My information was updated and ready to go, but I just hung back. I am glad I did because I don't think I would have exhibited the same confidence two weeks ago in an interview. This lady liked that I am a go-getter with a lot of energy and the fact I am resourceful and fly-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person. I genuinely smiled a lot, too.

At the end of the interview, she said that she had two candidates in mind but was willing to think about me in the next couple days. She wanted me to arrange a meeting with her on Friday via phone so I can tell her what I have learned. I am to learn in two days more about servers and network architecture, etc. I had a homework assignment! I have, of course, employed my informational sources for direction on getting the high-level portion of the technical side. She also asked me if I wanted to move to another state other than Florida. Been told that part was not a deal breaker for the right candidate. She has other people working remotely from her across the country. We'll see...

I made two appointments with two IT guys right after lunch for crash courses on my homework assignment. One was a very fun and hands on teaching session with Ant in the server room at 4pm this afternoon and tomorrow will be for the network architecture portion in a conference room. A third meeting request was sent to the hiring manager for a Friday call aka AGOL's Second Interview. Yippee!

Stayed at work later than intended because I was caught in between a vendor and the other purchasing department for our external customers. Spent some time, too, researching some of the sites my friend Kathy referred me to on IM relating to my homework assignment.

While searching mind candy for a mental break like reading blogs, I got onto Wikipedia for other stuff. Something made me check MEBFKAY's wiki entry and it had a flag for it to be deleted because it hadn't been updated with proof that he was ever published (IE citations of publications, etc.). I begged him a few times for info to update it; he just couldn't be bothered to gather what was needed, I guess. was flagged to be deleted today so not sure if he will be able to save it tomorrow when he wakes up. I sent him an e-mail and a screen shot showing the notation from Wikipedia. I just didn't want him to think that I would delete it myself. I am playfully evil, but I am not malicious nor do I have reason to be. I created the entry when we were together and just because we're not is no reason to be ugly...Karma, remember? Besides, he's got a lot of free time to update it right now.

Caught up with Kathy on the way home. AGOL Tip: If you want to have my undivided attention, talk to me while I drive home. It is my focused time to catch up on calls...Evening was spent with routine stuff and lots of reading for my homework assignment. Trying to get an advanced preview of my meeting tomorrow. My brain is welcoming the technical challenge.

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