Monday, November 26, 2007

Inner Smile

For the love of God and all that is holy! Must Christmas music ALREADY be part of the rotation on more than one radio station? I thought I heard Engelbert Humperdinck singing a song and another one was Air Supply? Say it isn't so. I forced myself to listen to one station with the seasonal music and also sing along. Masochist AGOL...Remarkably, I was arrived in a good mood despite my morning soundtrack on the drive in. Maybe it was my earlier preemptive strike for the day...?

I had this song Inner Smile by a band called Texas looping the movie theme from Bend It Like Beckham while I got ready. (Video independent of the movie.):

Greeted a still stuffy-sounding Bridget who was getting over a cold from last week, possibly remnants from jello wrestling in cooler weather over a week ago. Poor thing. We spent an hour catching up on our Thanksgiving holidays and work. My boss was surprised to see me; he forgot I decided to come in today for the demo. I wanted to give it in case any information might slip through.

Today, a manager from our North American division was visiting and a portion of that visit was with my procurement group. A part of her morning was sitting with my temp and the rest of the afternoon was with Bridget, my boss and me. I suggested to my boss that we reserve a conference room containing a projector that way we could have more room as opposed to congregating at my desk. The previous occupants were late in getting out so we had to wait about 10 minutes outside the conference room. My temp was not invited to come to this meeting and yet she invited herself to see mine and Bridget's part of it after she saw us standing/waiting to get in. Her extreme audacity was phenomenal. She was lucky because Bridget wanted to crush her for it, but held back. I made sure once we got inside who was running the show. Me.

In most groups, I am the alpha female. It is not something I ask for, it just happens with the exception of cases like this where I was demonstrating our buying process. I was dressed for assertion and command of the board. I started out giving a brief overview of what my temp was supposed to cover. She doesn't necessarily understand the why's of some of the stuff she does, but I made sure to cover it. The visiting manager let me know my boundaries as far as over-explaining some things which was fine. I acknowledged the check and moved on.

My boss thanked me afterwards for the two-hour demo because he still doesn't know all of it either since he's been very busy putting out fires at a higher level. The visiting manager came to me personally and thanked me, too. She was by my desk for about 20-30 minutes talking. I knew she liked me because she made sure to explain other things to me. She wanted me to buy in to her as a team member and as a person. So far, so good.

I was exhausted and didn't have the heart to go through the ridiculous amounts of e-mails. Needed a fresh start tomorrow...Chatted with Lisa on my way home. Chastised her for seeing pictures of her babies on Tawny's desk where I didn't receive any. She knew she needed to call me earlier and let me know that I was getting some, too, but she was training someone. Her kids are so cute!...More Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner and a riveting episode of Heroes followed by an unintended nap. :: yawning :: Now blogging to wind down.


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