Thursday, November 08, 2007

Colossal Cake

Getting home late, taking care of dog and dinner for me and winding down enough to tailor a version of my resume for that job at my Mother Ship (Stateside) so I can wind down some more by updating my blog was a tough order this evening. Talking to Angie and Tawny in between made it more difficult to really focus, but I needed their valuable input.

My resume has now been shorn of extra bullet points not pertinent to the job I am applying for and I've made notes for the revisions I will be making in the morning before I get to work. My mind is just too exhausted to be smart about it. Can't they just feel the glow of fabulousness that is AGOL? Must I be herded like a common goddess through this application process? They know not what they do! Karma will soon befall having a bad hair day, bad meal/service at their favorite restaurant or (gasp!) choosing the wrong lip gloss that will make their lips peel. Yup, I will just have to let karma do its work...

Gawd my day was so busy I couldn't see straight. Having browser issues to work in one of my vendors' site was a challenge all day no matter how much assistance I received from the Helpdesk. I even let them virtually possess the AGOL laptop to see what I've been up against. The tech could feel the AGOL glow, I am sure. He knows me and already has the story of some of my freakishness - er, unique charm.

My boss had lunch at his favorite deli with his buddies and brought Bridget, The Temp and me each a piece of the colossal chocolate cake seen below. I told him while he was the bestest, he could have bought one piece and each of us would have had a layer of cake and be just as happy. Mostly. Had a layer after dinner. That was almost too much. I toughed it out.

I added my business card for scaling purposes. Jeezus, that is one big mutha of a slice.

This AGOL needs to go to bed so she can work on stuff in the morning. Tomorrow is another day, my little loves. It will be Friday!

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