Sunday, November 25, 2007

Postponed Possum

Possum (aka Dianne) postponed our get together today. Like I explained to a friend in an e-mail: Her husband reminded her last minute that it was her turn (read as he volunteered her) to prepare Football Food for his friends this afternoon...So I decided to kill him with kindness by giving Dianne some very easy but impressive ideas on what to serve this afternoon. She will solidify and up her ranking as THE goddess in front of his friends. Now he will have to build a higher fence around her to keep his friends from salivating closer. Lovely wench, aren't I?

I used the day to be a veggie and it went by quick, too. Going back to work after having a week off even with a holiday weekend is going to be a pain. Dreading the dozens of e-mails sure to flood my Inbox when I sync up to the network. Why do a hear a distant rumbling?

Noticed some other people in my apartment complex already having their Christmas lights wrapped around their balcony fence. I just have the lone extra bright porch light. It'll be the North Star, how's that? It is going to take another miracle to get me through this season. I feel bad blogging about how I feel about the whole thing. Where else am I going to unload?

Got caught up in the last 30 seconds of the Bears v. Broncos game with it going into overtime thanks to the 34-34 tie. The Bears won after scoring three points on a 39-yard kick. I need to stay away from the NFL games. I get too excited. My pulse was at a nice resting rate.

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