Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Profoundly Joey

Another busy day at the salt mines with a stop to have lunch with Tawny and trolling the mall. We stopped at a candle store and a fine card shop. Came back to find a slice of rum cake treat from my boss brought from his favorite deli. What a nice surprise! Bridget got one, too, of course...

Joey works on the help desk and is a good friend of mine. He helps me work stuff out whether it is one of my machines or me! His wife is a very lucky woman to have married such a profound man. The following chronicles an IM conversation we had during the afternoon:
SarahAGOL: boo
joeyemdeon: ahhhh!
SarahAGOL: funny
SarahAGOL: how are you?
Joey: not too bad, still have a stiff neck, but alive and well
Joey: you?
SarahAGOL: i am okay...just busy but overall feel good
SarahAGOL: maybe i did need the time off
SarahAGOL: ...more than i thought
Joey: good, I think we all need time off every now and then
SarahAGOL: i tend not to take any off unless i actually have a plan. i didn't have any plans this time around
Joey: plans are overrated
SarahAGOL: yeah...but i feel like a loser for not having any
Joey: we're all going to die unplanned... so why plan all of our time waiting to die?
SarahAGOL: ha
SarahAGOL: i don't know...
SarahAGOL: right now it is the 27 of Nov and i don't know how i got here
Joey: go with the flow, live for the moment, whatever other cheesy cliche you might be fond of =P
SarahAGOL: okay...Buddha
Joey: ha
Joey: far from it
SarahAGOL: you need a few pounds
Joey: but seriously... plans are overrated
Joey: some of the most fun is not knowing what you are doing or how you got there
SarahAGOL: you know...the first 32 years...i was so plan driven and now i don't have any
Joey: and not talking about waking up in a strange house next to someone you don't know...
Joey: although that could be fun too I suppose
SarahAGOL: i get that joey, but sometimes i'd like a hand in my adventure...or pretend i do
Joey: if it is planned, it isn't an adventure
SarahAGOL: i will be 37 (gulp!) in January and i feel time ticking...
SarahAGOL: i just read the last bit you wrote...rather profound
Joey: hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while
Joey: (he's also the one you see on the side of the road clutching said nut while squished to the pavement)
SarahAGOL: oh good god
SarahAGOL: i feel ripe for a bigger adventure
Joey: sounds like you could use a good trip
Joey: the kind where you have an open ended ticket
SarahAGOL: psychotropic drugs?
Joey: and a eurorail pass
SarahAGOL: YES!!!
Joey: when you are either done, broke, tired or all of the above, you come home
SarahAGOL: sounds fun already
Joey: no plans, just go with the flow and submerse yourself in the culture
SarahAGOL: that sounds marvy
Joey: live it, breathe it and let it take you where it wants you to go
SarahAGOL: okay...how do i get there?
Joey: travelocity.com
Joey: =P
The rest of the workday was fast and furious. Spoke with Jill on my way home who survived the holiday and is deep in her new job. We're getting together in January for our birthdays... E-mailed something belatedly at work. Yes, I logged in at almost 10pm to do it, but it couldn't wait.

...In the back of mind, the echo of Joey's words: If it is planned, it isn't an adventure.


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