Sunday, June 03, 2007

Trolling for Art

My mind was awake at 4am. I tried to go back to sleep, but Cabal became insistent a half hour later. He was happier not to have to walk in rainwater this morning. Prissy dog.

Yummy was perkier this morning. Job stress is working not just a couple of nerves, but his whole body. Poor thing. I don't presume to know what exactly he is going through, but I am trying to understand and just be supportive. Good thing he was taking a train today to North London to see his mum and to enjoy a big dinner made by his stepdad. He hasn't seen them since we met them for dinner in London a month ago. Tempus fugit.

T&J picked me up a little after 9am to troll around an art show on Corey Avenue in St. Petersburg. We were to meet Jeff's parents there. Several of the artists pulled out of the show because of the wind and rain from the previous day. They probably didn't want to suffer a second day of it. The weather was quite the opposite. Humidity and heat seemed to reach its zenith around noon before we all ducked in for a brunch at The Frog Restaurant (frog theme and owned by French people).

We took a small drive to Gulfport and swung around some other shops. Was I glad to go into the air conditioning! Stopped at a place called Lulu's which had some eclectic mix of items, but mostly in a tropical retro theme.

I picked up a shirt for Father's Day for my uncle from a new tongue-in-cheek brand called Old Guys Rule. Check out the site and especially their Gallery page. I am adding a picture of my uncle and I have a perfect opportunity to take a picture of him. Seeing him on Saturday for my Nan-sitting. Yes!

I came home around 3pm to dim fluorescent lights in the kitchen. It was time to replace them and I needed a light source if I was to do any kind of cooking or feeding the Pretty Boy Dog. I left a voicemail with the office to replace them and the special dining room light that had gone almost two weeks ago.

It was Sunday and I knew they had limited staff and I needed to ensure I had new bulbs. I walked with Cabal inside the lobby and waited for some plan of action from the leasing agents on hand. They ended up getting the work order wrong and had the apartment above me checked instead. I found this out around 5:30pm when I called to check on the progress of my work order.

Someone was dispatched immediately. It was Cabal's favorite maintenance worker and soon had us well lit. He even replaced the bulb under the vent above the stove!

I wanted to sew today but I developed a nauseous headache which I think is related to my brunch selection hours earlier. My sewing progress impeded! Sigh. Off to bed early to sleep it off.

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