Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sugar, Oh Honey Honey

Split my time today from being the designated buyer to impromptu trips around the building to rack up some steps on my pedometer...in heels. It takes a little effort to make wearing a pedometer look cute.

My serious moments at work were when my boss kept reminding us that research on a particular spreadsheet had to be completed before its owner goes on vacation next week. Enough to make this AGOL take more impromptu trips around the building.

I wanted the yellow lines in my portion of the reconciliation spreadsheet to turn into a fringed yellow magic carpet and rescue me from the mundaneness of it all. I could have sworn that the pixels were piercing my eyes. They ached from staring at the screen all day.

This is what happens when you are blessed (and cursed) with an outrageous imagination. Your mind goes into a fantastical reverie. You begin to wish a fast forward speed to life getting on in the way you've envisioned them. In my case, Project AGOL already finished with its first and second phases and well on its way to third phase. I need to be happy in the moment and that now is well on its way in the first phase. I was blessed with patience in others but not in myself.

Throughout the day the knowledge of my mother's spirit date 25 years ago tomorrow hung like a specter over me. At 36, the pain hasn't gone away, but I suspect it never really will. I can take comfort in the fact that she is no longer in pain and forever free of the earthly body that failed her. I can also take comfort that my Source didn't abandon me when he took her from me at 11 years of age and newly living six months in a new country with virtual strangers. Source didn't allow me to live a life in the streets nor allow me to succumb to the harsh temptations on the way. Tomorrow will sure be a challenge...

Stayed late at work to research lines on the spreadsheet and decided I needed to work another hour at home on it. After taking care of Cabal and changing into my pajamas at home, I tested myself by facing the S word before eating dinner...the scale. My clothes have been roomier lately. There was nothing else to do but calibrate it...get on it...off it...on it...off it...and on it again. I had lost 15 pounds in two months!


The loss was mostly attributed to cutting down on one thing: sugar. I traded sugar and cream avalanched coffee for hot tea with Splenda and dashes of dry creamer. The full sugar soda at lunch was replaced by a diet one. I've been eating low sugar ice cream and low sugar/high fiber cereal with fat-free milk.

Been watching the sodium, too, but not as much as the sugar. No extra activities that could be construed as an exercise regimen either. I was so astounded I called my cousin Angie straight away. Let's see what next month brings with my new walking plan.

I skewed my pedometer count tonight by dancing to The Archies singing Sugar, Sugar to celebrate, but I don't mind. Don't mind at all.

1 comment:

Lapierre Médias© said...

i like your blog
i will come back often :D