Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spice is Nice

My day didn't start out so well. Cabal had woken me up a little after 3am thanks to the distant thunder. He would not be appeased or threatened into submission. I took him for a short walk before heading back to bed. With two blankets and my pillow, I made myself comfortable on the living room floor so Cabal would feel calmer during the storm passing by.

Oh my gosh -- did it hurt getting up a little over an hour later! I went to my proper bed for another hour before getting up...Driving to work was annoying in leftover rush hour. I just wasn't comfortable. Parking in the garage almost set me off. Some people needed remedial parking courses as evidenced by the picture below. I almost over swung to hit the stupid car who didn't know how to park in the "compact" slot. Grrr. Had to take a cell phone picture to show Bridget. It's not like there was another car in the "open" slot. (Rolling my eyes.)

Settled on Classic Disco on aol's music channels to soothe my nerves while I went through my work e-mail and solve issues. This kind of music always comforts me and cheers me up. I was fortunate to have another surprise lunch (comfort food!) with Tab at a Korean restaurant we have never tried before. I kept hearing rave reviews about it. It was a cozy and an intimate setting. Nothing plush, but the best restaurants never are.

After ordering our green teas, Tab decided to play with [sterile] needles he somehow got from his acupuncturist. Tired me let him play with them at the table using my hand as a pin cushion. I have a high threshold for pain and I was bracing myself for stings, but I didn't feel a thing. He soon tired of that game. Ha.

I ordered a Korean bento box style lunch with Bul Go Ki (sliced meat marinated sweet then grilled) while Tab had the colorful and spicy tofu soup below. Look at all the accessories that arrived with the boiling soup.

The rest of the afternoon was spent handling more issues. Stayed later talking with one of the other ladies before heading home. I was still stuffed from lunch so I just had a small serving of soup. Caught up with my blog and watched another episode of Fear Itself on television. Walked Cabal and I felt confident there would be no more storms passing by this evening.


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