Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mold I Like

A small building pressure before my vacation hides itself in the back of my mind. I tried to keep it at bay. There is nothing to worry about. I guess it is just misplaced case of nerves...

Last night's cooking class had left an indelible feeling. I just can't believe how much I enjoyed myself. I said as much to Rob when he came on MSN Messenger. He was, as expected, already working on his next adventure. His spirits were good which settled my worries. The vacation he and his family are taking this weekend will be beneficial. Soon he will not only have a new job, he will be well enough to start working out like he used to before the accident.

My package arrived from the vendor. I received my four molds, different sized graduated cups and special implements to assist me in carrying out some design ideas I have for the resin pendants. I can't wait!

The individual photos were from the vendor..

My friend Kathy pulled a switcharoo on me. I was all set to have my favorite spinach pie at the Greek restaurant; instead she introduced a Thai restaurant further up the road. It was fine. I am always up for new places. I decided against Pad Thai and ordered the Green Curry Chicken. Our appetizer, entrees and dessert were flavorful. This place is now on the "approved list". There was enough of my entree to take home for a small lunch.

Kathy brought back my folding card table and matching folding chairs she had borrowed for an Easter dinner she hosted for her family. After transferring them to me inside, I showed off my molds and the different ideas I have for them as well as discuss the other mediums I will be exploring next week involving textiles. She is always amazed at the things I undertake. I think they are lame, but she thinks they are unique. Kathy has been on the receiving end of my past creations other than my handmade Christmas ornaments. I barely remembered that I painted her terracotta pots with bird houses on them. I've made her some other crazy things that have taken my fancy of which she is always happy to receive. Girl, get ready -- there is more stuff coming down the pipeline...


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