Thursday, May 08, 2008

Coffee Identity

The day is always busy when I am the designated buyer for the day. My queue is longer and filled with crazy things people need and want. I felt the pressure also to pack my cube before the day's end tomorrow. The boxes are in my cube but not packed -- progress of some sort, I guess.

I forgot my lunch at home and became at the mercy of the cafe downstairs. I picked a surprisingly delicious chicken dish and ate it at my desk. I saw that I had an IM from Tab inviting me to meet him for coffee at the mall. I messaged him back that I was just eating. He said eat quick and to call him when I was on my way over. I shook my head and ate quick.

Ever impatient, he was calling me as I was calling him to let him know I was on my way and to ask him what he wanted at Starbucks as I would be the first one on the scene. He said no and that he was buying me coffee and to sit inside on the cushy sofa and wait. I did not follow directions and was chastised to go and wait on the cushy sofa while he got our drinks. He was goofing off making me laugh while the drinks were being made. My eyes drank in his outfit because this man can dress. Tab handed me my Caramel Macchiato and showed me the writing on the side. Wow. I can only imagine what the barrista was thinking as he wrote those initials on the cup. Tab said the full version would've been a little awkward.

Just four little letters...

We decided to walk the mall a bit while we sipped our coffees. He loves to shop and has opinions on everything. It was great fun to have a special surprise break in the middle of the day. The only freakish thing for me is that I saw Dan waiting in line at the Starbucks on the level below. I think he saw me which meant he saw Tab, too, but wasn't sure . What a precarious line...

Got out late and enjoyed a quiet evening with one hiccup. Received a startling phone call from Rob saying that his bike was mangled thanks to an SUV running over it. He had taken his bike on his car to work this evening so he could get a ride in tonight and then tomorrow another ride back to work from home, but drive home tomorrow night. It was about a 20 mile ride either way. He was preparing for that half Ironman competition at Disney in two weekends.

Mind you he was solemn at first then later was laughing. He is an experienced and careful rider. He had stopped to do something, but the lady in the SUV was on something or wasn't paying attention. All he could hear were brakes squealing behind him. He turned around and saw her. He jumped off the bike and somehow left his left shoe on the bike. The SUV's side mirror still bumped him; he was okay. The bike was salvageable, but had to be put inside a police cruiser next to Rob. The cop ticketed the lady and drove Rob back to his car at work. His wife wasn't pleased and had warned him of the perils of such a ride when he called to tell her. He said he was going home and getting drunk. Shoot, I would too if I was almost turned into roadkill. In the end, he would do it again. You can't stop a determined athlete or one that seems to be on some brand of crack. Ha.

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