Tuesday, April 15, 2008


You might be surprised to know that I enjoy a routine rather than constant change. Routine doesn't mean rigid or boring. It doesn't have to be. You just have to be flexible to make room for spontaneity. My love of a routine stems from having to move around too many times in my early life. Any disturbance to my routine gives me a bit of an internal jolt that can take me minutes to hours for recovery.

Yesterday my boss scheduled a meeting for today. It was a trigger reaction to a long e-mail discussion on hardware we were to purchase for the outside sales team for demonstrating the specialized software my company creates for the medical field. No one (adults with big titles!) wanted to take responsibility for seeing the project through its course hence the nationwide conference call my boss scheduled to get everyone on the same time for a discussion. The time coincided with my gym time. That was a problem.

My boss turned to me minutes before we were supposed to drive over to the other building and said casually, "Oh -- you don't really have to go. Heck, if you don't have to call in if you don't want to." Whhhhaaaat? I told him I would call in, but mostly seethed that I could have brought my gym kit. I rearranged my meals for this. Sigh. All was not lost. My leftovers from last night were delicious and I was able to be in the moment as I enjoyed spoonful after spoonful of my soups and forkful after forkful of the salmon.

At 4pm, I was sprung from jail...er, work - I mean. Heh. Drove home for doggie and then made it 40 minutes early to my aunt's house across town. I wanted to print some pics from my uncle's snazzy computer and printer action. Had a light dinner before they left me with Nan.

For some reason Nan had deteriorated since I had since her last. She seemed exhausted and disoriented. Because of this she was more restless, forgetful and confused. Just deciding which direction on her walker she should go for her bedroom was a struggle. It broke my heart. I decided to remind her that her son who lives in Germany was flying in tomorrow and this seemed to cheer her. How long would the news stay in her mind? Was she already told, but had already forgotten?

My aunt and uncle were late in getting back from their church activity. I told them of my updates for Project AGOL. They didn't quite understand it, but my aunt understood that the step was significant. (No, you haven't missed anything -- I haven't revealed the news yet.) Called Angie in Los Angeles for my drive back. I was home just shy of midnight.

My Aunt Maria picked this for me in her front garden right before she sent me off. She ordered the plant from a catalogue based on its appearance so I can't tell you what it is. A lily perhaps?


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