Friday, April 11, 2008

Leaving Early

Can I tell you about the great day I've had? It started off generally well. My boss was still on vacation, the temp was off, Bridget was (mostly) in good spirits and my phone was ringing more often which made my day go by quicker.

Worked out by myself. Bridget's stressful conversation with her boyfriend made her want to do errands instead. Boy was the gym empty! There were three other guys in the gym and one lady came nearing the end of my workout. My workout was made better with the very fine specimen of man jogging next to me. I could go and on, but then I would have to start writing some soft porn on this man's sweat patterns. My techno-belly dancing music on my mp3 player was making things groovy, too.

One thing was clear: I needed to get a heart rate monitor tonight if I am to workout more efficiently. The level I am on the treadmill would have taken my breath away about two weeks ago, but now I can almost do it for the whole 30 minutes. It is time to step up to the next level. I felt invigorated after the workout and not too hungry. My sludge drink did the trick for lunch at 12:30pm.

I left work at 4:15pm to hurry up and get home to take care of dog before Myrna picked me up. She had an errand in another town which coincided with my own plans... If you're a woman, you know that fighting PMS cravings is like trying to stop a freight train. God bless me, I did! I skipped my mid morning snack and no chocolate product from the candy machine made it to my lips in the afternoon. My even temper was sacrificed when I called Myrna to hurry and drive faster. I was famished and nearing headache stage by the time we got into the other town.

Electing to sit outside made our wait for a table only two minutes; the average wait was 15 minutes. I had a margarita on the rocks right away. Our onion ring appetizer came quickly followed by our shrimp entrees. Dessert? Uh, no. I was at Casa de Fullio by this time and a bit buzzy from the margarita hitting my empty tummy. A chocolate chip cookie was in my future though. Myrna chided me that half of what we were eating was not on my new menu. I gently reminded her I had sludge for lunch, no chocolate and I was PMS'ing. She laughed.

Stopped at a sporting goods store to get my heart rate monitor. Woo hoo! My lovely Costco was also on my destination. Myrna had to replace her shower head and this was the place where she wanted to buy it. Apparently she had reached up to change the settings this morning and sneezed which caused the part to break off in her hand including the washer which had water splashing everywhere. I died laughing and told her she needed to walk around with this sign:
WARNING: Sneezes can cause accidental drowning.
Long story short...It took us three stores to find the specific kind of chocolate chip cookie I wanted. Yes, I am on crack. Had Myrna laughing so hard on the drive home. Her husband always worries I am going to kill her by having her laugh so much. What a way to go. Wound down and discovered I was tired. Lying on my bed, the blue digital numbers projected on my ceiling read 11:32pm. WOW. Now that was groovy.

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