Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Filipino Tendencies

Made it to work early and beat Bridget. My motive for getting in earlier than my normal time was to get a head start in getting to know my new boss, but I forgot he had to attend our company orientation for a couple of hours first.

When we finally got to meet our new boss, I shook his hand and got the same feeling I did when I read his resume. Kind of a like a flatline. It was odd. He seemed very nice and eager to please as we got on through the day. The man can't be all bad if he's a self-described Parrothead. I've seen Jimmy Buffett sing myself and been to two Margaritaville's (Key West and New Orleans). Time will tell.

Bridget has advanced tickets for her Roller Derby Bout this weekend, but gave Tawny and me complimentary tickets. What a sweetie! Several of us are attending and it's going to be mighty interesting. Oh, don't you worry my honeys, I will be posting some pictures of this event.

Had a nice quiet lunch; my posse was nowhere to be found. Ended up talking about Filipino food with my fellow Flip friend, Jerico. It's fun to reminisce and swap recipes with him. I am bringing him a piece of the jackfruit my aunt gave me yesterday. This fruit sold at the Asian markets is very expensive for a section. My aunt has a whole tree so I can be generous and secure in a steady supply for a while.

Been posting lots of love quotes. It's not like I ever run out of words, but I guess I am looking for other people's words. Hungry for them as a matter of fact. I don't know. Perhaps I just need a new perspective or maybe I just wanted to escape from my day for several minutes.

My late afternoon involved crisis management which made me stay 45 minutes later than I wanted. Ugh. Let's just say SVPs were involved. It was not pretty, but I think we will weather it well this week. Nothing like trial by fire for my new boss.

Felt like some comfort food tonight and in America, it usually consists of macaroni and cheese. Not too thrilling for this AGOL. My first serving of macaroni and cheese didn't come until I was 11 years old. Comfort food for me usually involves Filipino food or even plain jasmine rice. I put some rice in the cooker and before I knew it, I was breathing in the jasmine comfort. I paired it with some Filipino food I won't gross you out with in describing, but let's just say it is very exotic and not everyone would like it. It made ME feel better.

Consequently, my aunt told me a fib. She said this particular dish would not stink this time because the ingredients were special. Uh-huh. Even my Pretty Boy Dog came to the kitchen to investigate! My place will be quarantined from non-Asians for a few days. Thank goddess I have air freshener plug-ins in every room!

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