Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Full Moon Madness

Why is traffic jam a part of my mornings lately? Was there a free giveaway on licenses obtained from Cracker Jack boxes? Sheesh. Spent the first 45 minutes of my day at work trying to find inner peace and taking the nerd test in the previous post.

Fiscal Year End is a monster. There is so much pressure to get everything in you can, but we're soldiering through it well. My part of it is fuzzy. I feel disconnected from the process, but I know I am part of it. I just have to get through this week, I think. Still not feeling all together well. From a Shallowville point of view, I had great hair day.

Noticed a gift placed on my desk after I got back from my department meeting. It was a very nice notebook and pen set with our company logo on it. Not sure who left it there for me as is sometimes the case. Bridget didn't get one so I decided not to make a big deal out of it. Secretly, I was thinking that my magical desk is the coolest!

Tawny wasn't in again today which was worrying, but I was able to IM with her some during the day. Maybe she will be back at work tomorrow...BTW, Tawny, thanks for taking part in the Nerd Test and in my late afternoon freakishness. I don't care what they say about you. Feel better.

Advised my new boss I was leaving early about five minutes before I left. He didn't mind. I had to hurry home to beat traffic, take care of my Pretty Boy Dog and meet Kim/Kristey/Myrna at the Chinese restaurant near me. It was a great time with the girlies. Satisfied my craving for Mu Shu Pork and hot jasmine tea.

Found out that Kristey can't make it to The Saturday Four, but Kim and I are still on so that is good for the AGOL. Myrna doesn't want to sweat that early let alone get up that early. The ladies praised my new hair color. Good thing because I love it. I picked the color based on how the sample looked in the sunlight. Hot cha-cha.

It wasn't that much of a wacky Full Moon Day, thank goddess. Besides morning traffic and the regular work madness, I suffered some e-mail madness all day. Most of it annoyed me since they came from another department, one floored me and the rest made me smile. I like receiving smiley e-mails. It cracks the controlled veneer hardening from the wackiness at work.

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