Friday, September 28, 2007

Somnambulistic State

All I wanted to do was retreat and cocoon myself somewhere. The universe was not playing the same game. Felt like I was sought out all day by different people which made me want to bury myself somewhere even more. My cube's less than central location was not a deterrent.

I was grateful that it was Friday which meant an end to an exhausting week and a fast-paced month. The past two months have really taken their toll on me and I am hoping it is uphill from now on. I cannot begin to express my desire for sunshine again in my life. This somnambulistic state I have been living in is no longer safe. It's going to take some work....hard work with the dreaded holidays coming up. My anxiety factor is ready to shoot up at a moment's notice. Can February or March get here already? I feel things will be better by then with less chaos, less anticipation and less anxiousness. Who can't get happy with what an early Florida spring brings? This city is more fun then.

A couple of people left chocolate goodies at my desk. One was an anonymous gift and the other was brought on by Bridget from Godiva. This time she brought champagne truffles and that sinful strawberry cheesecake enrobed in Godiva milk chocolate. Everything was heavenly.

Went to lunch with Jeff and Tawny. Gosh, it's felt like ages since I have properly seen them. It has been a week! Tawny and I made our way to Sephora while Jeff meandered around another part of the mall after we scarfed our food down. Tawny spent under $25 on one thing while I spent...nevermind. I was running out of a few things and I bought someone the gift of lipgloss. Too bad she wasn't in today for me to see her face when she received the package. It will be a nice treat for her on Monday. She's not good at picking things out like that for herself and I am. Those previous make-up artist skills do come in handy.

I was forced to wear my sunglasses leaving the garage parking lot. Not exactly thrilled at wearing them because the little feet by the nose give me headache. They look good on, but I am confined to a certain style because of the shape of my nose. (Slightly annoying.) My normal route takes me by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' Stadium, but one of the universities was having a football game there tonight and it was a traffic jam happening already. Took a faster toll road around the airport which had the setting sun right in my eyes. My body was already preparing for cocooning...hibernating...whatever you want to call it. The sunglasses were not helping in that regard.

Got home, took care of Cabal, skipped dinner and sat on the sofa where I fell asleep by 8:30pm. I woke up at 12:15am and went to a proper bed. The dog looked at me as if to say Oh and got up to take his guarding position a few feet away in front of my bed. There. All settled.


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