Friday, September 21, 2007

Aggravated AGOL

Maintaining control can be elevated to an art form with enough focus. You may have ascertained that this month, my efforts have not been stellar which brings us today where aggravation reigned.

Within 10 minutes of reading my e-mails at work, I was fully aggravated especially when my e-mails were returned undeliverable thanks to my too full mailbox. Moved some e-mails with large attachments to my Personal Folders in Outlook to buy me some room to send several small e-mails. OMG. My boss sends me some files that take it back up within minutes. Can you friggin believe it?!

My cohort Bridget was in rare form, too, but feeling better from yesterday. She was ready to nuke the Accounts Payable department. We split two projects and she got the worse end of the deal, I think. She volunteered. Who am I stop her? She didn't want my project either. If you wanted a compliment from either of us, you would have been directed to this Compliment Link for some love. Just refresh the screen to get a new one.

Tawny almost killed me at lunch because I was so...pleasant. Two more people joined us and got to watch us volley (friendly) barbs back and forth. The others were astounded she would speak to me in such a manner. Believe me, she's earned it. When someone asked a question that was not to my liking, my standard answer would be this question, "Did I mention I was aggravated?" It brought chuckles. I felt bad at my behavior even though they were amused by it and bought each of them each a candy bar from the vending machine. Giggles went around again while we scarfed them down.

My boss announced that he is moving to an office closer to us which is good because his office is the bad juju office. There is some serious funk shui going on there; he is the third occupant in 10 months. If you want to leave the company soon, keep that office. Easy decision no thanks to me. Ha!

Went to the store for Cabal's food and other sundry items on the way home. After dinner and a short playtime with my Pretty Boy Dog, I began laundry starting with towels and then sheets. Tried to work out of my residual aggravation with chores and bleach. First bleach today then ammonia tomorrow. Don't have to explain that piece of chemistry to you.

Not doing The Saturday Four because Kim's daughter is driving in from college to celebrate her 21st birthday with her parents...Oh! One piece of great news. I received an e-mail from one of my closest friends in high school. Not sure what happened and why we were disconnected for so long. Tried searching for Sheila on the many social sites to no avail. I had joined years ago, but no one was on there yet so I gave up. I rejoined last night on a whim, saw her name and immediately sent her a note. She is the only person I wanted to really talk to from that part of my life.

It's funny, I have now reconnected with a person from each era of my life so to speak. (Eras because I've moved a lot.) It's wild. All of them together could probably tell stories. Okay, decision made: they will never get to meet each other. Two of them from before my 30s are friends on my myspace account. I found one and another found me there. The Internet gods have been kind. Damn, the buzzer from the dryer just went off. Gotta switch laundry around. How aggravating.


esruel said...

Adventure is not outside man; it is within.
Lol I know how you like quotes.
Great blog - and fun!

helloagol said...

Thank you! If it is indeed within, then mine is like Frodo meandering through The Chocolate Factory while having the James Bond theme playing in the background.

Sometimes I am a victim of my own imagination. Good thing you're the one writing a book. ;p

esruel said...

Lol! I've finished off many a bar of chocolate while reading The Lord Of The Rings. A great imagination makes you the heroine, not a victim. I wonder if Arwen ate chocolate - nah, probably just fairy cakes!