Tuesday, September 11, 2007

AGOL Under the Weather

Just woke up from a nap and took a turn around blogland reading almost a dozen of my favorites, wondering if other people felt the same unsettling vibe as I did today. It was enough to beg my boss for me to leave early this afternoon. Maybe it is what today represents in the US and around the world? (No, Tawny, not JTall's birthday.)

I arrived later than Bridget and my boss which didn't bother me at first until a bit later when I found out my boss was going to be in a company orientation class all day and I would have to deal with my Nemesis Vendor myself. I luckily avoided them first thing and they ended up being assisted by another group who was expecting equipment from them in a secure area. Goddamn...The debacle these motherfuckers have created and the resulting loss of my own productivity from them trying to fix it have reached their threshold. The whole implementation is almost over and I cannot wait to have a post implementation meeting with this sales rep to go over the unexpected extended timeline. Yeah, it's going to be a beaut.

As the day wore on, exhaustion wore on me. My eyes felt like they were going to fall out of their sockets. My temper had to be reined in, too. These feelings usually don't happen to me. Tawny was out for the day so I couldn't talk to her about it at work. My boss and my lunch buddies remarked on how quiet I was which made them uneasy and earned me a questioning. My nerves were fighting against something. I wish I could explain. When a mysterious nausea and a slight panic started to set in later in the afternoon, my boss agreed to let me go home early.

Spoke to Tawny on the way home who wasn't faring any better (depressed about her daughter leaving for college) and then to Myrna until I arrived at the grocery store. I was able to verbalize part of what I was feeling to them and was reminded by Myrna how much I am loved. That's Myrna -- whatever is going on in your life depressing or silly, she just reminds you that you are loved. It's her blanket expression for everything and it did bring comfort to me...Took care of Cabal and ate a quick dinner before napping on the sofa. Now here we are with a depressing blog entry. Sigh. Hope tomorrow is better. This is not AGOL-like...at all.

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