Friday, April 06, 2007

Miss America

Talking to Yummy for at least an hour each morning during his time off has been my saving grace. He's a positive sounding board. I like sharing even if it is not all roses. My name would be Stepford then.

My SVP was off today which meant that the pressure my group had been drowning in was lessened, but it didn't stop some crazy behavior from my users. I had gotten up to buy my lunch downstairs when I received a call letting me know I had 15 minutes to pay several thousand dollars to our local newspaper for an advertisement we were running. Did sanity simply run away? Oh my gosh. I am very sure there had been a quote involved somewhere since proofs had been signed off. Crisis was averted. My boss loved this bit.

The parking garage was empty today since it was Good Friday and several companies had the day off. We didn't. My boss left early and invited me to do the same. It wasn't urgent for me so I used the time to clean-up items left on the fringe. Sent several e-mails and generally used the quiet time to catch-up at my leisure. IMing Yummy was very nice, too.

I took my flowers home so I could continue enjoying them. I held them like Miss America holding her bouquet of flowers as she sashays down the runway during her victory walk. In my case, it was the hall followed by the elevator and a quick trip outside and up the parking elevators. I couldn't do the Miss America wave since the other hand was dragging my laptop wheelie bag.

Yummy had mentioned smelling fuel from someone cooking barbecue near his home. That sent off triggers. I stopped at Sonny's BBQ near my home and declared nirvana had arrived. One of things I love the most is barbecue....better yet -- barbecue and jasmine rice. Oh yeah, the AGOL was rocking her dinner with some reheated rice from the fridge. Not only did I get my victory walk, I also had my victory dinner.

And now, I would like to express my thanks to my Yummy for putting up with my freak show this past week. I would also like to make the cause of giving away sprinkles to everyone in the world to enjoy. That is my plan as Miss America to bring world peace. Everything is better with sprinkles! Thank you. (Applause...)

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