Wednesday, April 25, 2007

English Sun

NOTE: This has been sitting waiting to be posted for a couple of months now, but I didn't want Yummy to read it or the world since it was very personal. The relationship has ended as of this insert, but I have decided to publish it. He won't be reading it that I know of and it doesn't matter if he does. It was a true thing and I want to live in the beauty of truth.

Sitting on a gold sofa, I listen to my lover's voice as he is working out his poem. There are other sounds like the dryer upstairs spinning and desiccating damp clothes to hang and fold. A jack hammer vibrating on the road digging pits to reveal old pipes that need replacing. Seagulls squawk overhead like mini pterodactyls looking for a feed.

The sound I hear above all is the sound of my own mind finding solace in this land I am visiting. The quiet my mind has been chasing a lifetime has arrived. A large warm cloak of comfort swirls around me like a matador’s cape teasing my demons away. Tears drop as I realize the implication. I may have found home.

For now, I keep the truth to myself like the English sun shining through the window next to me. I say English sun because it is cloudy and gray, typical of English weather or so I’m told.

My mind focuses back on my lover’s voice, the source of my solace.

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