Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hemlock Anyone?

Four a.m. is not a good time to wake up when you're an insomniac or are stressed, but there I was getting the dog to share my joy as we walked around the apartment complex. Yesterday's justification meeting weighed heavily on my mind. The thoughts were tinged with frustration and anger.

Yummy asked me how I was doing when we began skyping at 5am. I told him that I had already been drinking hemlock and chewing on penny nails. He didn't like that and expressed his concern. (Boy, am I glad he is off this week so I can get some Yummy therapy sessions!)

He received his Easter card today which plays "Yummy Yummy Yummy (I've Got Love in My Tummy)" by Ohio Express. Here you can listen to the Monty Python video version of it. I was giggling hard at the store when I first heard it and knew it would be perfect for him. It made him smile and he played it over skype.

Work consisted of mini emergency meetings (read as micro management) as a spillover from yesterday. My temp did not have the whole story so she didn't understand our urgency in getting our things clamped down since it was somewhat getting out of control. Trained my boss on my basic process which he took over the simple items while I tackled the more involved items. The pressure was astounding.

My day brightened in the early afternoon when I was the recipient of another breathtaking vase of flowers from Yummy. It couldn't have come at a better time. I was very grateful for the gift which proved an appropriate diversion. Yummy was taking a nap when I called him quickly to thank him. I also followed up with an e-mail containing these photos. I am the luckiest AGOL ever!

Overtime became mandatory this evening which aggravated my carpal tunnel. My elbow to fingertips really ached. By 6:30pm, my weeks of pent-up frustration spilled over causing me to call my boss in a tearful fashion expressing the unfairness of it all. I even used curse words which I never do with my bosses unless I am backed against the wall. The conversation was going well until my boss said something that caused me to lose a lot of respect for him. Not a smart move on his part.

Tawnyia came to my rescue and support. She was frustrated, too. (There is a bigger picture here but it is too complicated to explain. Let's just say her work issues and mine are interrelated.) At 7:40pm, I made my way home, but not before really studying my flowers and marveling at their beauty.

I received a call from Tawnyia around 10:30pm and we hashed out the office politics. We were loud in our rants, but we felt better...Tomorrow is another day closer to Saturday.

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