Saturday, January 27, 2007

Secret Geek

The one thing most people don't know about me is that I am a secret geek. Science has always interested me and maybe a little math. I even did some basic computer programming in junior high school in the mid-80's. I've worked in two IT shops and most of my friends are in IT. With all that said, I am not an "IT" person, but I can sure program the clock on my own VCR.

The geeky things that interest me now are neurolinguistic programming (NLP), quantum physics, food science, parapsychology, science fiction, social psychology and cultural and linguistic anthropology. Not exactly light reading for a former make-up artist, but definitely a lot of fun.

It would seem that my secret geekiness was utilized at least twice recently by me adding a customized javascript on my blog to help me countdown the days for an important event and also by helping my cousin Florida install software and a photo printer this afternoon. How do I get into things that I am trying to avoid? I'd rather keep the whole thing cerebral so that there is no outward evidence...

A cute geeky thing today was e-mailing Yummy at a few intervals during the day. He kept replying and I know he had a really busy day out. I e-mailed him from my apartment in the morning, then at my cousin Florida's early afternoon and again at my friend Kathy's a few hours later when I went to pick her up so I could take her to the airport to rent a car for her vacation. I loved using her Sony Vaio -- what a killer video card! The colors were incredibly sharp and clear. Did I mention geek gadgets were hot?

The secret is out now. I am a geek who just happens get her hair and nails done, wear a make-up like a pro and practices being a domestic diva. There are still realms of geekdom I need to explore, but only one byte at a time for now.

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