Monday, July 28, 2008

Winds of Change

The subject of moving away from Florida is a slow progressing theme for a few of my close friends. Where once this would have triggered my separation anxiety, I now feel peace at the idea. It is not that I want them to move, but more of following something new.

There have been incidents of within the past 10 years that have repeated themselves in the last year and half. I think it is time for the winds of change to scatter us all to the ends of the earth so that we may one day come back and share what we've seen and heard. The description is rather an arcane way of putting it but it is exactly how I feel. In any case, we are in the Internet age where connectivity is abundant so you don't ever feel the deepest sting of missing someone...

With certain events of this year and my crossing a hard moral threshold, I am no longer afraid of many things. My moral crossing was no victory, I didn't win or feel a sheen of triumph. Anything remotely resembling those emotions would have been empty and that of an uncaring person. It would be easy to feel nothing and blame it on a baser nature as I have nothing to lose unlike the other person. That is not what it was about and the explanation is not for this forum.

On the other hand, I will share tonight's AGOL Embarrassing Moment:'re going to LOVE this...I cannot believe I am sharing this shame with you..So I received a text message from one of my best friends. I, in turn, text messaged someone...7pm Eastern Standard Time. I got home and investigated further on BBC online...then DIED..DIED...just DIED. I had to follow up the text message with two facebook mails of deepest apologies to MEBFKAY because upon further investigation, it wasn't the Pier where he lives that burned down, but a different Pier in England. My best buddy said they specifically mentioned HIS Pier. Oh gosh...I texted him at midnight his time. He was a good sport and texted me back an hour later at 1am his time. That made me feel worse. Ugh. The universe has a sense of humor.
I spoke to John on his way from Texas back to Louisiana where his job is located and even told him of the mistake this evening. He said I should have a 20-minute delay on my phone in case of knee-jerk reactions like this. Neh. Why ruin a potentially embarrassing moment?

Shame Update: I received another nice reply via facebook on my shameful moment and was let off the hook nicely. Hooray.


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