Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sneezing Sucks

My memories of yesterday were of a few people whining to me and me being foggy in the brain. It wasn't exciting. If you're still interested in me waxing ad nauseum about those things let me know...

I sent a work e-mail to my boss and Bridget to let them know that I was using today as a sick day. The funny thing was that it started as a planned sick day for something in the morning. Fate provided me with coughing and lots of fucking annoying sneezing the rest of the day. I really despise sneezing. So after every sneeze or series of sneezing, I would yelp goddammit. It's not polite nor ladylike but I don't care. It is bloody annoying.

Frequent naps in the afternoon stole my day. I managed to make myself lunch and dinner as well as take care of the dog. His day doesn't stop because I am sick... Of course.

Tawny called me to come over so I could see her before she goes to New York with her husband to visit our old friends. I showed up with my hair unstyled, no make-up, no jewelry, wearing a t-shirt and jeans with flip flops on my feet. Damn, you know I was sick to be this dowdy. She was folding laundry while I sneezed in singles, doubles and up to quadruples. She responded by laughing because it is rare for me to be under the weather and the frequency of my sneezes were astounding. Sigh.

While starting this post, Tawny called to stop over and drop off keys to her apartment so I could let her kids in if they need to and to water her plants. If she's reading this...I am also going to do some shopping. I hope you took inventory! Heehee. We each have items we like in each other's apartment and we tease about shopping for things.

I am going to redress my bed now so I can sleep snug as bug in a rug. Hopefully, I will sleep snug after a couple of cold tablets. Did I mention that sneezing sucks?

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