Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Follow One Course Until Successful. Yes, that would've been really great today if it were not for all the interruptions. One task today should have taken only 20 minutes but instead took an hour and half! Annoying really.

I was in earlier today and had more clarity than yesterday which was Blur Day. My to-do list was at hand and I had a launched nuclear missile concentration of a mind. Missiles have never encountered bosses or co-workers either. Sigh.

Soldiered through the day from one task to another until a meeting that halted my marching to a dead stop. Found out today that my partner in the department had put her notice in. She would be taking a more managerial position up north and be close to her family as well. I am genuinely happy for her, but am trying not to reel from the workload coming on. It's not that I haven't done the work of four people before, but I do relish sleeping and having weekends off. The powers that be will have to sort it out for themselves. There is only one of me and there is only so much I can do without compromising my health and personal life. Neither one is negotiable at the moment.

Barely saw Tawnyia today before her training trip to Atlanta. She left the building shortly after 3PM. I called her cell and left her a voice mail. She ended up calling me back later after she landed. Her luggage didn't arrive at the same time she did so a courier had to bring her clothes to her later in the evening from the airline. I teased her that she would have to do laundry over the sink to make it to class the next day.

I had also lamented that she would be missing the Official AGOL Holiday tomorrow. How could she abandon me? She was also abandoning her husband and their 21st anniversary! Her husband is driving to Atlanta for the weekend to spend time with her which will be great fun exploring little towns around the area.

Yummy and I had a later chat. I always feel guilty for keeping him late in his timezone, but he knows his own self and usually begs off when he is really about to nod off. He was out tonight with an old college buddy and made some good networking connections. Yummy is trying to change the way he does things and I have a great feeling he will be immensely successful.

Valentine's Day is usually the day I get really carried away in my baking, but not this year. I did make my signature Rhumba Rum Cake and also packaged a humorous gift for Jill at work who I know will be having a rough day of it. I think she is baking a lot of chocolate flavored goodies tonight, too, so no one will feel neglected in our area.

I'd better make a bee-line for bed now so I can be fresh for my holiday tomorrow.

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