Friday, March 19, 2010


Was there anything I couldn't do today? Well, yes, there is plenty, but that didn't keep me from making the day really count.

Breakfast came and went right before I decided to vacuum my apartment. I didn't feel tired. Bolstered by energy, I wiped down my bathroom, scrubbed the toilet and wiped down my kitchen, too. Oh, yes -- a load of laundry also made it to the washer and dryer! There was lunch, rest and some beading before I took a shower and got ready for my evening out with a crazy friend.

Hurricane Jill came bearing smiles, hugs and a gift I loved the moment I put them on. Feast your eyes on my new animal magnetism below. Isn't it a scream?

On the way to our Greek dinner, Jill shared some wisdom:


Food and my dinner companion were stellar. We hung out for a little over two hours at the restaurant to enjoy the Greek music playing live in the background as well as the belly dancer that came. It made me envious. I still have a small wound on my belly and can't exercise that way.

We came back to my apartment for some giggles before she made her way back across town. How I've missed her humor and good nature! After she left, I still had some zippy energy so I ended up talking to Tawny briefly on IM to make plans for tomorrow. Kathy called me back to catch up and Angie called me on her way home in Los Angeles.

You don't know how being able to do all the activities today made me happier. It felt like progress. The specter of going through the same recovery period after five more chemo appointments doesn't scare me. At the very least, I know there is getting better each time. One day there will be a getting better for good.


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