Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Keeping a Schedule

Tuesday feeling like Wednesday was not good. It was easy enough to get over that disappointment quickly! I have too many other things I need to worry about like finding the energy for this month's calendar that is filling up quickly. Let me explain...

All of my Sundays this month are now spoken for. Three of the five Saturdays have been scheduled. Peppering the rest of the calendar are dinners with people I haven't seen in a while and have requested to see me. I have one wine tasting event and one Harley Davidson event for ladies only where Sharon, Bridget and I will learn about the history of HD, the differences in bike models, safety, etc. Sharon used to ride and is trying to get back in while the rest of us are going for enrichment.

Your pity is not needed or required. I am just trying to figure out how I will manage my energy. Adequate sleep will certainly be a factor in being able to enjoy everything. It's been a long time since I've carried a schedule like this. I was chastised for planning everything in my life and not leaving enough room for spontaneity. Well, the person who said that has been years out of my life. Realizing that what works for me may not work for other people. I work better when I plan. It helps me to visualize a sense of purpose and to manage my energy so that I may properly appreciate these experiences. There is enough flexibility for spontaneity. How do you think some of the stuff got on my calendar? I said yes.

The pendulum from no planning the last seven years has swung back to planning. I don't regret not planning. Some interesting adventures have come my way, but no planning has also left me standing on quivering ground. Instead of enjoying my journey, I've been wondering when the quivering will stop. That doesn't seem like a good way to be in the moment and enjoy the experience, is it?

I am not arrogant enough to think that all my planning will control The Big Spontaneous Event Called Life. What's that joke? Wanna make God laugh? Tell him your plans. No, I am no such fool.


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