Thursday, May 24, 2007

Drawing Board

Amazed at how you can be at work less than an hour and have a few people work your nerve already. A nice cup of hot tea afterwards help get me back on even keel.

Work is work with reports and GL coding. Heard some grumblings yesterday about my group being moved from Building 1 to Building 2 of 3. It is essentially the same building and maybe a quarter mile down the road. Our whole finance department being in the same building will be a better environment. We don't have to bicker in separate buildings. Nipping things in the bud will be much quicker.

I had an impromptu mini presentation for my boss that involved me drawing diagrams on the white board...Ooh, pretty marker colors! Sometimes people need a picture. I realized recently that he is a visual learner and does better with seeing text and relational arrows. Ooh, more pretty marker colors!

IMed with Yummy this afternoon. He was in a good mood especially after making sure his laptop was still working and he was able to complete a phase of one of his projects. Yay for Yummy!

I caved in on my craving for a proper taco at dinner. Now I must drink lots of water for the sodium and eat Tums for the grease that flavored the filling. Wish me luck that I don't feel ill overnight...

On a spontaneous move, I called my dad and stepmother. Dad had been busy building walls around the garden area, filling it with dirt and tamping it down, and mulching around. They have some land so it has been quite the "Honey-Do" project. It is no chore for him for he loves the outdoors. My stepmother has been helping him and recovering remarkably well from having her right leg in a cast. She fell several weeks ago from a misstep in the garage.

Kept reminding myself that it is a three-day weekend with observance of Memorial Day on Monday. I am very much looking forward to spring cleaning and re-feng shuing my apartment. I can barely get to my drafting table in my spare room not to mention other art and crafts supplies. The clutter must go so that I may have a cleaner space to think. My creativity needs a jumpstart like a Model T needing a hand crank.

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