Monday, May 07, 2007

Back to Work

My high school days were back again or at least the feeling of having to go back to school after having the summer break. Today it was back to work, to the daily grind. I barely remembered to decide which route I would take to get there. Did I want to take the highway or did I want to take the long way which may be faster.

The moment I got on the road, I felt I could have used another day off. Yummy had the day off -- it was a bank holiday in the UK. That stung. Between holidays and vacation accruals, the UK just has more days off than the US...Sigh.

My new cube is situated so I could pass by my regular crew and slink in unnoticed. Thank God! I sat my laptop in the docking station at work and started my day. My IM screen is set to go on at start-up and when it did, it was like a fireworks explosion of IM pop-ups. Good Lord. I got in a little after 9am and apparently, there were people waiting to pounce on me. I wasn't even finished answering IM greetings when people started to visit my cube.

If you would like to know how many people would actually miss you, go away for two weeks. People whom I consider acquaintances were coming over, too. After the initial wave, I brought my chocolate goodies and passed them out in my old section. You would've thought I just gave away real gold, they were so tickled.

I stopped to get some hot tea, my new beverage that has been winning over coffee, and was ambushed in the break room. A headache was forming and I hadn't even said hello to my boss yet.

Quickly, before I was further tackled, I made my way to his office and gave him his giant chocolate bar to share with his family. We discussed my trip and promised him a peek at the pics when I got them printed. I told him about Yummy's astonishment of my chocolate purchase and he said he and his French wife, buy as much if not more before they leave France. I felt properly vindicated. Ha!

Tawny was off and I wished she was there to field people for me during lunch. I brought one of the Lean Cuisine's she stocked in my freezer. I didn't want to have to think about lunch and buying something downstairs just seemed like a vile idea.

My headache was not going away, but I managed to be a gracious traveller and answer questions in between brief tellings of my trip. I told them I would tell them more and would send a link to my uploaded pics once I sorted through them. Sleep was calling me, too.

The rest of the day was spent not doing a whole lot of working even with playing catch-up with Bridget, the new girl who had to take the helm after one week of my training her. She had done very well and I was happy I didn't have to clean up too many weird issues.

Sometime during the day, Kristey reminded me via e-mail that it was Myrna's birthday. I quickly called her and invited her to dinner that night. She was thrilled!

I couldn't wait to go home, take care of Cabal and have dinner with Myrna. She is a low maintenance friend. She doesn't demand a lot from me as far as being needy, but I make a point to call her periodically to make sure she is doing okay.

Myrna informed me that she had a new puppy, a miniature terrier named Teddy that her husband had bought her for her birthday. This puppy was so cute and could fit in a sock! It would grow no more than 4 pounds.

Dinner was great especially after I gave her a more comical spin on my trip. She enjoyed seeing the pics in the digital camera and was looking forward to sampling her chocolate gift when she got home...

My bed welcomed me with open arms. Tomorrow was another day.

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