Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Weak Week

Tuesday was a repeat of yesterday. For some reason being inside my building is making me tired. Maybe it is my cube. Do I need to re-feng shui my area? Hm. I will have to mull on that when I am not so tired.

The overall feeling I sense when I am at work is that I am in it, but I am not quite connected. It is as if I am watching events through the haze of a prophylactic barrier. The irony is that I am more engaged at work than ever. Perhaps the real reason for this type of protected connection, I think, is that I am holding myself at a distance from other people's drama. Does that make sense?


Kathy called me in the evening to let me know she's back from Wisconsin. She came back with her treasures of 25 lbs of apples and 20 lbs of cheese. Sounds like the makings for some kind of tart or a canceling effects of fiber and constipation. Good God my words are frightening this evening. I will definitely shelve this entry until I've had time to mull on it an extra day. Meanwhile, what is up with Hurricane Ike?


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