Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hectic and Random

Hectic doesn't make for a zen day, does it? I found myself at 5am thinking about my boss' kid's school project. Why? I volunteered to burn his kid's video project from his video camera to a CD. He was bringing it to the office today which meant I had to bring a blank CD or DVD disc. I packed both. Bridget confirmed his concern at getting it done as soon as I walked in. It was completed a bit later.

My boss took us out to lunch and at the last minute, I dragged Sharon with us. Four of us found ourselves walking from our building across a couple of parking lots to the mall entrance. The Coconut Curry Chicken three of us had was too sweet. It has never been sweet. My thinking was that whomever prepped it got it too spicy and tried to mask the mistake with brown sugar instead of adding more coconut milk. This addition not only changed the taste but the once bright curry color to a drab yellow.

After conferring with the girls, I mentioned it to the waitress who brought the chef/manager and I asked if they had changed the recipe. To my surprise, he was a bit taken aback and defensive. He immediately proclaimed that he created it seven years ago. My reply was that I had been eating there for a few years. The chef went back to the kitchen to investigate only to return a few moments later a bit embarrassed. He had tasted it, agreed with me and then jokingly said that the other chef will be dealt with later plus that it would not taste like that tomorrow. All I could do was mentally roll my eyes. I didn't feel him to be deeply sincere. We scurried back to work soon after finishing. Whatever joy I've had for this restaurant quickly evaporated.

That's the thing...I've been mentally tallying and cross out things, people and food places that no longer give me joy. Perhaps this is the shake-up I really need. God knows there are already changes shaping up at work with my temp leaving at the end of the month. That's a long story I will bore you with next week as it happens.

One thing I have added to my plate is being part of a morale committee for our finance department in my building. I attended my first meeting this week and I received the strong impression that most of the members were happy with the status quo. Oh - boooooorrrrriiiinnnggg! Thank goddess I had met with one of my friends who is in it and together we came up with a plan of attack. Okay, I wrote ideas while she giggled ghoulishly. The meeting was going at a certain pace until I broke it by suggesting new ideas. Compared to previous months, next month's big activity will be quite lively. Can finance be lively? We'll see. It was my turn to send out the e-mail announcement for a separate monthly contest giving away the use of a reserved premier parking spot. Not too many glossed over that e-mail on Tuesday. Ha!

I haven't blogged properly in so long, I feel rusty...Random thoughts keep vying for attention. Please forgive me for jumping around. I'll write more as I get back into it. All I know right now is that I am relieved tomorrow is Friday.


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