Saturday, April 03, 2010

Just Saturday

For me the great thing about my blog is that I get to go back and review how I felt from the first chemo infusion for comparison. This morning felt like my normal day. I popped my after chemo meds for nausea prevention and it didn't make me too tired the whole day which was wonderful!

I treated my aunt to a fried rice breakfast of rice, eggs, garlic and onion with fresh grape tomatoes garnishing the edges of the plate. It was quite pretty and very tasty! She kept saying how she needed to come over more often as she was spoiled. I told her that she always takes care of me and spoils me so it was my turn to do the same for her. My uncle picked her up before noon as they had guests coming over.

The rest of the day passed without any spikes of activity or excitement. I updated my blog and got on facebook as well as texted. Talked to Angie, too. One load of laundry was completed. My mind was filled with thoughts about getting back to work on Monday and how I would manage my energy each day as the chemo works through my body.

I confess it is a bit daunting. My work environment has a changed a little. My boss says not really but he's had three months to get used to the subtle changes where I will see the change in black and white with no gradation. Also, my perspective on life is different. My new goals for my life are being formed each day. Not sure how the two will meld. Like they say, it always works out.

Sprinkles xo

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